18 September 2008

Couple 'a Favourite Podcasts

Down here in the south of Africa, listening to the radio is just not 'compelling'... Endless talk, crap pop, local and international, are a substandard diet that does not satisfy or nourish. With a couple of noteable exceptions, radio in Cape Town is ubercrappy. What to do? What to do when I want to listen to something new and fun on the road?

Podcasts are the answer. For the technophobe or noob, podcasts are simply recordings that have been uploaded to the internet either to listen to or download for later consumption.

Here are two podcasts that I throughly enjoy from National Public Radio.

Always engaging is This American Life, who by the way, have just won an Emmy Award for Outstanding nonfiction Programming. And it is really well deserved. Host Ira Glass is a warm, casual and very sharp interviewer with a sense of humanity and humor that propels the show.
Just have a listen to The Giant Pool of Money, an entertaining story with interviews of how this horrid current credit / banking crisis got rolling. Instructive, scary and fun. What could be better?

Another recommended podcast is All Songs Considered, an NPR show hosted by Bob Boillen that exposes a whole host of music that otherwise might be off your radar.

How do I listen to these podcasts? I download them, put 'em on my iPod and walk the dog, alternately laughing at This America Life or enjoying artists that I would never would have heard, except for All Songs Considered. But you can also just listen to them right from their website. In the next while I will post a list of other good stuff to stimulate your ears.
If you wish to subscribe to any of the many thousands of podcasts, you can download the free and excellent Ziepod podcast receiver (like an internet radio) and go from there. So much stuff, so little time.

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